
You may be here
You may not be here
You cannot be in (both places) here and there.
Sometimes you may be proved wrong e.g. when two protons emitted from the same sources, travelling in different directions but still can interact and alter the happening irrespective of distance. If you check, both remain the same. 
Now what it says is that our knowledge is incomplete. that ‘incomplete’ in your knowledge make you dumb and on the otherside it helps the knowledge to grow coz incomplete give a room for development.
Hence, we can understand that ‘incompleteness’ plays a bad role in decision making.
You may be alive
You may be dead…….But
You cannot be both alive and dead.
An example,
Schrodinger experiment states 
that if you have a box and keep a cat and radio-active material and seal it. You very well know at some point of time the radio-active may leak and kill the cat. But you may not be sure whether the cat is dead or alive unless you open the box. The experiment explains the situation of whether the cat may be dead or may be alive. what it means you have both the probability of a single event. (i.e. the cat may be “dead and alive”).
The more you move, the more understanding will alter your previous perception, If you never move means you miss the missing elements which hide in that movement.
For example
Sometimes we fail in our decision due to something. 
We may wonder why we missed that something during decision making. Later we will come to know that something arises only out of that process. If we do not attempt, that something would not be visible to you. 
Hence the reason for failures are the reasons emerging only out of our attempt rather than 
it was not there where it went unnoticed.
There are a lot of things altering our perception towards being creative
I read that Your creativity is a kind of Virus will multiply in your brains and give more ideas. It is not your talent or knowledge that leads you to be creative. It is the function of your brain, Your continuous thinking will produce a kind of virus which stays in your brain, multiplies and gives ample ideas or solutions to your problems. The virus will stay and spread like wildfire unless you stop thinking. That’s why creative people are more creative..