The Anthropocene Reviewed

There are always interesting facts in Non-fiction.
Most of the authors who write essays. They will present their perception with understanding of the targeted reader. Then they merge unique ideas with the reader’s perception on a straight line before they deviate.
Suppose if a writer writes a personal essay then it requires a lot of talent to hold the reader’s hands till the end of the book.
The Author was so creative in writing and also held us throughout the book. The essays are well researched and presented along with his experience.
You cannot name any specific chapter because all the chapters are well crafted and written.
Every chapter starts from the right side of the book and images on the left side. Utmost care taken to present the details of his presentation.
You go for enjoyment of reading excellent books by selecting books from the Goodreads readers’ reviews.
This one will absolutely match with the reviews of other readers.