
I like you 
What that means, I like you but I like you not so much. We have our society inside the society. We always like people but not love them. We love people who are blood related. We fall in love actually we never really love them that’s one of the reasons their death affects us and we never die with them. 

The concept of society is very difficult to understand. We formulated a feeling called love and we call it very true. Actually we love but not really love because we know life is shallow and we give a lot of meaning to it. We know we are just like other animals but we are able to think. we believe there is some meaning to it. What other animals do is to eat what is available around them. But we humans are thinking animals, we love to store. To store we need to breed animals continuously. To store we need a law to protect. To store we need people to take part in every job, hence you should stay together, To stay together we need relationships . To identify relationships we ‘like’ and ‘love’.

The word we use ‘like’ is to save from others. You should love your neighbours otherwise he will burn your house. You should like his behaviour even though you’re not really interested in them. Their religions should be ignored rather than understanding it makes our life wonderful. We all use the word ‘like’ otherwise our race of humans will not exist. Hence use the word ‘like’ even though you dislike it. Why?

There is a balance in this world. We know evil people live among us but we still breathe peace. You know you can like others but not love them. If you forget to use the word ‘like’ in your language then the evil people will bounce on you to make you unpeaceful. The ‘like’ is just an invisible fence to protect you from strangers.  you are unconsciously using different forms of ‘like’ by nodding, smiling, clapping..etc 
Hence, the word ‘like’ is mandatory to be used in all walks of life..