


Someone will discover the truth that will white wash our entire wall of old knowledge and it leads you to new perception, may be called truth. The author played the role of Copernicus When Copernicus discovered the Sun is the center and Earth going around the Sun. It...

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Playing the matrix

Playing the matrix

All Roads lead to Rome, but he takes the Road less Traveled. The book starts with a mantra " Thoughts become things" Yess we all know but still it's interesting when it's told from a different angle. The Author creates a general awareness of his introduction like...

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The Psychology of Money

The Psychology of Money

We admire celebrities for how they present themselves and the same here.  I have read quite a number of books about money.. All the books make us nod our head throughout the journey and make us behave like hypocrites to agree but finally banal... This book was simply...

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Acrobats of the Gods

Acrobats of the Gods

Amazing! This book about movement bringing unconsciousness to connect consciousness in the art of dancing. The real experience is.. "the dancer will disappear in the dancing/movement and only dance remains." The author himself a dancer and explain how our inner was...

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The Middle Passage

The Middle Passage

If you read to heal your wound but some book will create guilt in you first and heal you later.The middle passage was such one.Everyone on earth carries some kind of suppressed material and never understands the real meaning and takes refuge in drugs.A neat...

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Eros and Pathos

Eros and Pathos

Some books are sacred not because of the topic because of the writer.The same cup and the same coffee but from a divine person will really be new experiences.The author wrote about love. The experience of reading was awesome because it looks as if he carried a journal...

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Talking to Strangers

Talking to Strangers

Amazing book! Malcolm Gladwell never disappoint you and his writing was simple and well researched.The author not only discusses talking to strangers but also registers his opinion regarding..How Hitler misrepresented with his handshake, how Ana Montes fooled American...

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Rape and Ritual

Rape and Ritual

Here some book takes a bold topic like rape and explain the real truth behind of such act.Rape is more of anger and the dent in archetype of male with her relationship with mother.The anima in male influence such act and more shocking references like rape happens not...

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Under Saturn’s Shadow

Under Saturn’s Shadow

Why are some people special? Why are some books?because, they always stay close and give useful thoughts and help to voyage our life smoothly.It's about men and their archetype towards this world. How much his mother complex disturbs him in his personal life.No book...

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